START-206 Местная госслужащая (23), пристрастившаяся к сексу под воздействием наркотиков и снимающая себя на видео, влюбляется в обходительного, доброго, красивого мужчину (род занятий неизвестен, 40 лет), который с легкостью носит дорогой костюм. - Ёцуба

Длительность: 2:01:55 Просмотров: 368 Добавлено: 1 месяц назад Пользователь:
Описание: Three months ago, while I was driving late at night, I saw a girl walking in the rain without an umbrella. I picked her up and asked her where to take her. She was beautiful and thanked me as she left. Soon after, I went to the city hall and saw her at the counter. In contrast to that night, she looked like a lively and cheerful office lady. She thanked me again and invited me to dinner. Before I knew it, I was hanging out at the motel where I live.
Спонсор: SOD
Модели: Yotsuba Kominato