JUR-129 प्रति घंटा वेतन 3000 येन यह एक आसान काम है जिसके लिए आपको बस अपनी कमर कसनी होगी... एक वफादार पत्नी जो एक धोखाधड़ी वाले विज्ञापन के झांसे में आ गई और एक गंदे वयस्क द्वारा धोखा दिया गया। माओ ताकानाशी
अवधि: 2:02:14
दृश्य: 762
सबमिट किया गया: [गणना]1 सप्ताह || 1: 1 सप्ताह[/गणना] पहले
द्वारा सबमिट किया गया:
"Of course that job offer is a lie, right?" After a few years as a full-time housewife, I was looking for work again and found a job posting that paid 3,000 yen per hour. The job description only stated that the position was for women only and required that she wear a skirt and pantyhose, and my husband assumed that I was naive for applying for such a job. Wanting to get back at my husband, I went to the interview and was immediately provisionally hired. The clerical work was all easy, but one day I found a camera taking pictures of me changing in the dressing room...
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